What are the Ocean Dialogues?
The Ocean is crucial for global ecosystem balance and sustaining millions of lives worldwide. It regulates climate, absorbs carbon dioxide, creates jobs and provides a large set of solutions to tackle today's global challenges. Preserving marine biodiversity is vital for food, livelihoods, and coastal protection globally. Science and traditional knowledge are key for understanding and managing marine ecosystems sustainably.
The motto of the G20 Brazilian Presidency is "building a just world and a sustainable planet".
To echo this slogan, Brazil has put forward three overarching topics for its presidency:
Social inclusion and the fight against hunger and poverty;
Sustainable development and energy transitions;
Reform of global governance institutions.
The ocean is an instrumental resource in addressing these critical topics:
Bringing forward a more sustainable food system and inclusive trade of resources worldwide;
Generating just & equitable economic growth and accessible renewable energy throughout the world for all;
A Global common for mankind spearheading just and equitable multilateral regulations that addresses financial cooperation, biodiversity and science.
The establishment of OCEANS20, the first Engagement Group focusing on ocean in the G20, marks a historic milestone. It offers an opportunity to integrate financing for the ocean-climate change nexus and transition to a blue economy, elevating the Ocean as a source of solutions for a stable global economy.
That’s why OCEANS20 is convening a series of Ocean Dialogues, where experts and leaders will convene to share insights, exchange knowledge, explore opportunities for both marine conservation and a sustainable blue economy, besides proposing solutions. Their recommendations will inform the final Oceans 20 Communiqué.
Representatives from the G20 Engagement groups, including Oceans 20, had the opportunity to participate in meetings alongside sherpas and finance deputies from all member countries and international organizations. The O20 presented its main recommendations, which were the result of extensive dialogues with the global oceanic community.
The documents prepared by O20 for the Sherpa Meeting and the Finance Deputies Meeting are available for download. Additionally, the document prepared for the Sherpa Meeting was voluntarily submitted by O20 to the coordination of the Environmental and Climate Sustainability Working Group. Similarly, the document for the Finance Deputies Meeting was sent to the coordination of the Sustainable Finance Working Group.
A third document was voluntarily prepared by O20 and submitted to the coordination of the Energy Transitions Working Group, given the significant relevance and interface of this theme with the ocean agenda.
All three documents are available for download. The Communiqué, currently in its final stages of preparation, will be released at the O20 Summit.
These Dialogues are structured around the priorities and expected results for the G20 Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group and 10 Points for the Ocean that aim to inform an action plan to guide the future G20's agenda. Find more information in the Issue Note below.
Your Ocean Dialogue can be scheduled according to 2 Phases:
PHASE 1: Events submitted by April 19, held by May 22, Policy Brief sent by May 28
PHASE 2: Events submitted between April 20 and July 28, and held between May 23 and August 19. Recommendations: Policy Brief form filled by August 26.
NOTE 1: Before you begin filling out this form, please take a moment to carefully review the Event Guidelines. You will find essential information about event organization and production, deadlines for submitting various materials to the organizers, roundtable composition, etc.
NOTE 2: All approved Ocean Dialogues scheduled to take place between April and August 19, and submitting their Recommendations according to the specified timeline, will be considered official OCEANS20 events. They will be granted permission to use the official logos and will be included in the official OCEANS20 Calendar.​​
Call for Ocean Dialogues Proposals - Troika
You can submit your proposal using the form below.
Call for Recommendations Proposals
Realizing that some organizations may not have had the chance or possibility to hold an Ocean Dialogue, Oceans20 is currently accepting recommendations from civil society organizations and ocean-related sectors operating within G20 countries. To be considered, recommendations must focus on G20-related issues and be submitted as a collaboration of at least three organizations representing at least two different G20 countries and sectors.
A robust consultation process must be conducted by the organizations that will submit clear and concise recommendations intended for high-level G20 leaders, as well as for other policymakers, government officials, and other stakeholders.
Deadline to submit your Recommendations without hosting an Ocean Dialogue: August 12
All the details regarding the submission of these recommendations are outlined in the Introduction of the new form, which can be accessed below:
The O20 Co-conveners will: review all the Recommendations received through this process, as well as from the Ocean Dialogues; assess them based on their relevance and existing gaps; elaborate them as needed to fit the final O20 Communiqué, to be released at the end of September 2024.
If you have any questions, access the FAQ below or contact dialogues@oceans20brasil.org